Some days are ordinary and some days are very special and memorable – and this is one of them when you visit. Absorb it all.

Fascinating – We took a family of four today to meet the wolf dogs including two children ages 10 and 12. As a vet I was particularly interested in the difference in the breed types from domesticated dogs of similar breed. It was fascinating to see and understand the bond between the owners and the dogs, and remarkable that the bond between them is so trusting as to allow strangers to come in to their enclosures with them. The wolf dogs themselves are beautiful, very Wolf like in appearance and the difference from other dogs in their nature was apparent and was highlighted by information from the owner. They are clearly very well understood and cared for, part of the family. Children and adults were all encouraged to have contact which was very closely supervised and guided. Not commercialised at all. Really interesting, highly recommend, a walk with the dogs would have been amazing (I hadn’t known was an option).

Unforgettable experience with open minded and enthusiastic owners: I really loved this day!

Your lifestyle is very inspiring.It is even more special because you are living in such cold conditions, off grid with a young family and of course are doing it while caring for/living with wolfdogs. 

Wolf Whisperer – This was such a special visit. These lovely gentle people live off the grid. They are an example to us all. Fascinating talk, interesting lunch over a camp fire and the wolf dogs are simply beautiful. These people are working to save the few remaining wolves in Finland who have a bounty on their heads. My daughter had recently broken her ankle so we didn’t take a snowmobile. Should have. We went in the closed- in trailer and it was crazy bumpy LOL. So travel by snowmobile because the trails would be fun by that method!

Unbelievable – What an amazing place to visit. I won’t tell you too much, because that would spoil your visit. However, if you have the opportunity to visit here, DO IT. Go and meet these wonderful animals, and hear from the family who decided to live here, off grid, and set up this sanctuary. A visit you will not forget.

Fantastic – We had a fantastic trip, arriving on snow mobiles to be met by the charming young couple who have made their life in a remote dwelling along with their many wolf dogs. We went into the enclosures and were able to meet these beautiful animals face to face. Well worth a visit.

The experience with the wolves and Vállju was amazing! It is very clear Vállju and his wife care very deeply for these beautiful animals and wish to provide a healthy environment for them. Walking through the forest with them was incredible, the scenery was stunning and Vállju was very knowledgeable about the local fauna. The interaction with the wolves was so personal, just a fantastic day all around and will definitely share this experience with our friends back in Canada! 

Hiking with dogs in the fantastic natural environment is absolutely a memorable experience. The family is really nice, they show love and know the dogs really well. Eating finnish soup around a wood fire is another amazing experience. Recommend to all animal (dog) lovers.

It was a fantastic experience, very special, you should try it!

Amazing Wolfdogs! – This trip is an amazing experience,the wolfdogs are so well looked after… i found it very interesting learning all about them. We had a fantastic time.

Amazing experience – Truly an incredible experience! The wolfdogs are adorable and well taken care of. Thank you guys so much for an amazing afternoon!